Library cards will be issued to any resident of Middleton, MA who shows proper identification. The minimum age to receive a library card is 5 years. Children 14 years and under need a parent or guardian’s signature. 


Apply for a Library Card

If you would like to apply for a library card in person, please visit the circulation desk on the main floor of the library. Be sure to bring a photo ID displaying your Middleton address; if your photo ID does not have your current Middleton address listed, please bring a utility bill, property tax bill, or rental agreement proving Middleton residency to the library along with your photo ID.

If you would like to apply for a library card over the phone, please call 978-774-8132. A librarian will create your card and give you your card number over the phone. With this card number, you have access to all of the library’s online resources such as Libby and OverDrive. This card number will remain active for 30 days. Before the end of the 30 days, please bring a form of photo ID and proof of Middleton residency to the library to verify your information and pick up your physical card. 

If you would like to apply for a library card online, please click here.

Replacement Cards

You may replace your lost or damaged library card at the circulation desk for a fee of $1.00.

Update Your Account Information

Changes of address, phone number, or email address should be reported to the library, either online through your library account, by calling the library, or at one of the circulation desks.

Your library account will expire every 3 years and must be updated. To update your account, please call the library or visit one of the circulation desks.


The following items are available to borrow from Flint Public Library:

  • Children’s, Young Adult, and Adult Books
  • Current and Back Issues of Magazines
  • DVDs
  • Audiobooks (on CD and Pre-loaded Digital)
  • Children’s Book Kits
  • Museum Passes
  • Large Print Books
  • Music CDs, Records (readily available via MVLC)
  • Nature Exploration Kits
  • Wi-Fi Hotspots
  • Book Club Kits


Loan Periods

Library books circulate for a three-week period. DVDs and magazines circulate for a one-week period. Museum passes that need to be returned are due the day following their use. With the exception of books with request lists, most library materials may be renewed. Renewals can be made in person, by phone, or online through your library account.

Request an Item

Any circulation material may be requested either by phone, in person, or online.* You will be contacted when the material becomes available. One week is allowed for pick-up of material that is being held at the library. If the material is not borrowed during this period, it moves to the next name on the request list.

*To request materials online, log into your Flint Public Library account by clicking here. You will need your library card number and PIN. Please contact the library at 978-774-8132 if you are unsure of this information.

Bills and Fines

There are no fines for overdue materials. If a patron loses or damages an item, they must pay for the item or supply a replacement copy after receiving approval from the library. Patrons may pay for the lost or damaged item at the library circulation desk with cash or a check made out to “The Town of Middleton”, or they may pay online by clicking here. If a patron wishes to supply a replacement copy, please contact the library at 978-774-8132.

Merrimack Valley Library Consortium (MVLC)

The Merrimack Valley Library Consortium is an alliance of 36 public libraries serving the Greater Merrimack Valley region of Massachusetts. From the MVLC page, you can: connect to the MVLC online catalog, obtain information on the network and all member libraries, and access a selected group of library-related and general internet resources.

Commonwealth Catalog

If you cannot find an item in the MVLC catalog, you can search other libraries across the Commonwealth of Massachusetts via the Commonwealth Catalog. Requested items will be delivered to the Flint Public Library for pick-up and should be returned only to the Flint Public Library.

Items from the Commonwealth Catalog may be borrowed for a maximum of 30 days with no renewals. Please visit the circulation desk or call the library at 978-774-8132 with any questions.


You may fill out the form below to apply for a library card online. Once you have submitted your information, you will receive a library card in the mail that is active for 30 days. Before the end of the 30 days, please bring a form of photo ID with your Middleton address to the library to verify your information. If your photo ID does not have your current Middleton address listed, please bring a utility bill, property tax bill, or rental agreement proving Middleton residency to the library along with your photo ID.

PLEASE NOTE: Flint Public Library cards may only be issued to residents of Middleton, Massachusetts. If you are a Massachusetts resident that lives outside of Middleton and you would like to borrow our materials, please visit the library circulation desk or call 978-774-8132 to learn more.

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